Hydrocephalus in Foals
Hydrocephalus is a neurological disorder that can occur in foals. It is characterized by an excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the ventricles of the brain, resulting in an enlargement of the head and pressure on the brain tissue. The condition can occur due to various reasons such as congenital defects, infections, or trauma. Foals born with congenital hydrocephalus may have a genetic predisposition for the condition, and it may be inherited from their parents. The severity of the condition can vary, depending on the underlying cause and the extent of brain damage that has occurred. Diagnosis of hydrocephalus in foals involves a physical examination, imaging tests such as…
What Should I have in my Foaling Kit?
If you are preparing for the birth of a foal, it is important to have a well stocked foaling kit on hand. A foaling kit is a collection of items that you may need when your mare is about to give birth or after she has birthed her foal. Here are some items that you should consider having in your foaling kit (please note some of these items come in bulk quantities so you might want to connect with other people locally that are foaling to share one order): Remember to keep your foaling kit in a convenient, easily accessible location so that you can quickly grab it if needed.…
Horse Gestation
The gestation period for horses is approximately 11 months, or 340 days, although it can vary slightly from mare to mare (ranging from 320 to 400 days). The length of gestation is influenced by a number of factors, including breed, age of the mare, and environmental conditions. During the first few months of pregnancy, there may be few outward signs that the mare is pregnant. As the pregnancy progresses, the mare’s belly will begin to grow, and her appetite may increase. She may also show signs of moodiness or irritability. During gestation, the mare’s body undergoes a number of changes in preparation for foaling. The mare’s uterus enlarges to accommodate…
Common Foaling Complications
Foaling, or the process of giving birth to a foal, can be a complex and unpredictable event. Foaling complications during the birthing process can occur, but their frequency can vary depending on various factors such as the age, health, and breed of the mare, as well as the foal’s size and position. Studies have shown that the incidence of foaling complications ranges from 5% to 25%, with the highest risk occurring in older mares and those with a history of previous foaling problems. These complications can be serious and potentially life-threatening for both the mare and foal, so it is important for horse owners and caretakers to be prepared and…
Horse Breeding Basics
Breeding horses involves the process, ideally, of selecting two horses with desirable traits to produce offspring with those same desirable traits, pregnancy, and finally the mare birthing a healthy foal. Some basics of breeding horses include: Breeding horses requires a significant investment of time, finances, and resources, and it is important to have a thorough understanding of the process before beginning. Working with experienced professionals, such as a veterinarian or breeding specialists, can help ensure a successful breeding program and foaling.